Professional Development

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SUHSD believes that “ongoing learning is essential to effective teaching, and professional learning opportunities are crucial to gain and deepen professional knowledge and professional judgment in teachers… in order to ensure high-quality teaching and learning experiences for all students.” (CA ELA/ELD Framework Ch. 11).

SUHSD Professional Learning:

  • encourages and increases collegiality across the district
  • responds to classroom teacher input
  • values external expertise
  • builds relationship within and among school sites
  • communicates district initiatives effectively
  • promotes teacher leadership
  • offers opportunities for vertical and district-wide alignment
  • provides a model for teachers to share expertise with colleagues
  • increases accountability
  • allows for differentiation according to zones/site needs

District PLCS (Professional Learning Communities)

Optional days for teachers to meet in course alike groups are offered throughout the year.

Site PLCS (Professional Learning Communities)

While not an explicit component of district professional development, the PLCs are a critical element of site professional development and growth. Teachers meet regularly with their PLC members to analyze student work, to plan, reflect on and implement best practices, inquiry based units, common core lessons. Collaborating with Site Curriculum Specialists, teacher leaders will build capacity as reflective creators who develop curriculum, pedagogy and rigorous tasks for students.

Professional Development Staff

Ana Maria Alvarez
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
Phone: (619) 691-5546